Cause news from Rome and Prayer Request
The Dicastery for the Causes for Saints, has approved for the peer review of the case we have made of an alleged miracle, to be re-examined by two newly appointed doctors. This decision was made following a meeting between our own Archbishop Paul Martin and Cardinal Semeraro, the Prefect for the Causes, in Rome.
If just one of the doctors agrees with our review, the alleged miracle will be reviewed by a full panel of 7 doctors appointed by the Vatican, in the New Year. Their approval to proceed to the final stage is critical for the success of this Cause and the eventual beatification of Venerable Suzanne Aubert Meri Hōhepa
“Lord Jesus Christ, You taught us that as often as we show compassion to the least of your brothers and sisters, we show it to you.
Hear our prayer that Venerable Suzanne Aubert, who came to Aotearoa New Zealand to be with Māori, and dedicated her life to caring for those in poverty and in need, may soon be recognized by the Church as a saint. Amen”
Parish Plan
The Parish Pastoral Council have developed a plan for our Parish. Click here for a copy. This plan is a living document and we welcome ideas and comments from our parishioners.
The Plan needs to be regularly re-assessed, adapted and evaluated. It embraces both the continuation of existing pastoral initiatives within the parish and the outward search to new ways in which the parish can carry out the mission of Jesus.
The Parishioners of the Catholic Parish of wellington south come together from Brooklyn, Newtown, Island Bay and surrounding suburbs.
Sunday Masses are held in, St Anne’s, Newtown and St Francis de Sales, Island Bay.
There are three primary schools within the Parish: St Anne’s in Newtown; St Bernard’s in Brooklyn and St Francis de Sales in Island Bay.
Keeping in Touch
If you are not on the Parish email List and would like to be included to receive emails from the Parish Team, please let them know.
Phone 934 4099 or email:
Catholic Parish of Wellington South Facebook Page
He Īnoi mō te Hātotanga o te Kahurangi nei a Meri HōhepaE te Ariki e Hēhu Karaiti, nāu mātou i whakaako mēnā ka puaki atu mātou i te pūaroha mō te iti, arā, ngā tēina, ngā tuākana, ngā tuāhine me ngā tungāne, kātahi ka whakaatu mātou i te pūaroha ki ā koe. Whakarongo mai ki ā mātou īnoinga ki a Meri Hōhepa te Wahine Kahurangi nāna i te aroha te iwi Māori. Nāna i awhi ngā tāngata pōhara, ngā tūroro, me ngā tāngata rawakore. Meatia tēna, kua karanga rawa atu te Hāhi i tētahi tāngata o āu pononga tapu, o āu tāngata māhaki hoki. Ā te wā tonu, mā te katoa e mōhio mai tōna Hātotanga. |
Prayer for the beatification of Suzanne AubertLord Jesus Christ, you taught us that as often as we show compassion to the least of your brothers and sisters, we show it to you. Hear our prayers that Venerable Suzanne Aubert, who loved the Māori people and devoted her life to the poor, the sick and the underprivileged, and whom the Church has declared to be one of your true and humble followers, may soon be recognised as a saint. |