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Parish Community:
Sharing and celebrating in our faith by participation makes us a stronger faith community.
How are you able to do this?
• The easiest way of participating is to offer your services in one of the church Ministries at Mass
• These are varied and include greeting, Proclaimers of the Word, Data Projectionists, etc.
So please volunteer so that our Masses can continue.
Contact: for more info.
SYNODALITY- What happens now?
Stage One of the Synod has finished. Thank you to the 1,500+ people who took part in submitting their thoughts and dreams.
The completed Wellington Diocesan Synthesis is now available on the Archdiocese website.
This synthesis along with the five other archdiocesan Syntheses and the NZ Bishops’ submission will go to Rome for the Synod in 2023.
What now?
Please take some time to read the submission. What are one or two things that really stood out for you, that could be implemented now at a parish/community level?
How could you help your parish council discern which changes your parish could start making now? Be part of the change.
Last week a Commemorative Mass was celebrated at the Home of Compassion Chapel. Afterward, attendees enjoyed refreshments and a special cake in the Heritage Centre. It was a time to reflect on the life and legacy of founder Meri Hōhepa Suzanne Aubert.
More from the celebrations can be seen on the Sisters of Compassion Facebook page.
A prayer for our earth – Pope Francis: Laudato Si’
All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.
You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.
Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one.
Miha – Mass in Māori
Nau mai haere mai
Māori Mass is resuming at the Home of Compassion Chapel
each Sunday at 11am. It is said in Te Reo and English (the
homily). Followed by tea/coffee.
All are very welcome.
Please pray for our 30 children who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in our Parish this weekend.
They have been prepared over the last two years, but due to Covid postponements, have been unable to receive the Sacrament until now.
Our thanks to Monsignor Gerard Burns who will be officiating.
We welcome Mary-Angela Tombs who has been appointed as the new Principal to St Francis de Sales School.
Our schools play a vital role in the Parish and we are blessed to have such good staff at our three schools.