Building Consultation Process information

For the first round of the Building Consultation Process, Facilitators will lead groups through a time of prayer and reflection based on the Synod 2017 Discernment Process in response to Cardinal John’s request that we review our parish churches and presbyteries.
The Pastoral Letter from Cardinal John of 15 February 2019, plus Financial information and other relevant parish data is on the report available here, for your prayerful consideration.

Parish Building Consultation Process

Using the Synod 2017 Discernment Process our first round of consultations begins on 25 May.
Facilitators will lead groups through a time of prayer and reflection in response to Cardinal John’s request that we review our parish churches and presbyteries.

Parishioners can join small discernment groups after Vigil / Sunday Masses. Sign-up sheets are available in church foyers.

Saturday 25th May After 6pm Vigil Mass St Bernard’s
Sunday 26th May After 9am Mass St Joseph’s
After 10:30am Mass St Bernard’s
Sunday 2nd June After 5pm Mass St Anne’s
Sunday 9th June After 9am Mass St Anne’s
After 10:30am Mass St Francis de Sales
Saturday 15th June After 6pm Vigil Mass St Francis de Sales

It is important for us to know the number of participants so that we can organise facilitators for the groups. Please sign up by Sunday 19th May.

125th Anniversary of the founding of the Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver

The sisters and supporters celebrated their 125th anniversary during Mass at St Francis de Sales Church Island Bay on 5 May at 10.30am. Cardinal John presiding.

“We were founded by the power of the printed word. A printed brochure inspired our foundress Mary Theresa Ledochowska to work against slavery. Mary Theresa grew up in the magnificent surroundings of Austrian nobility and was very familiar with mountain excursions, evenings of dance, dinner and entertainment. She had to spend hours in the midst of drawing room etiquette, sterile idleness, living on a surface level. When given a pamphlet denouncing the slave trade which was still widespread in Africa, Mary Theresa was shocked to realise that so many people, created in God’s image, were being treated worse than animals. She hoped that once people knew of the terrible realities of the slave trade they would want to help fight against it.
Her hopes became a reality with donations requesting that she forward the money to the most needy missionaries. Mary Theresa developed Echo from Africa and with her writer’s talent and her heart full of love and compassion for the slaves, subscriptions became more and more numerous.

The congregation was founded on 29 April 1894. Today there are sisters of 28 nationalities in 47 countries. Although our communities are usually small, our mission helpers constitute a gigantic force of women and men participating in assisting the poor from afar. Our work is still the same as that of our foundress: mission promotion and mission aid. The Echo from Africa – now entitled Echo from Africa and other Continents, is still our primary medium for raising awareness of the missionary activity of the Church and also much needed funds for ‘the most needy missionaries’.”

Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver,
1 Mersey St, Island Bay. Phone: 383 8401


Ngā mihi nui – Thank you very much – all those involved in the preparations for the Catholic Parish of Wellington South’s Third Anniversary Mass celebrations.

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Invitation for teenagers!

Join us for the first Life Teen Night for 2019

  • 5pm Mass at Saint Anne’s 
  • Dinner
  • And the most awesome team ridiculous race of the century!!

Meet new friends and have so much fun!

We are pretty excited!!

Suzanne Aubert Scout Group

Do you enjoy camping, the outdoors and doing adventurous activities like kayaking, cycling, tramping?
The Suzanne Aubert Scout Group is running Cubs (girls and boys aged 8 – 11) and Scouts (girls and boys aged 11 – 14) on Monday nights 6.30 – 8pm at St Anne’s Hall in Newtown.
This terms activities include: rock climbing, camping, MTB bike adventure and games nights. Come along and join the adventure.

For more details either email SuzanneAubert@
or contact Rob McCullough on 022 177 1007

Third Anniversary Mass for our Parish

Sunday 24th February
10am – 2pm
Our Lady’s Home of Compassion

  • A great opportunity to celebrate together as a Parish.
  • Outdoor Mass celebrated outside the Lyon Room. (The Lyon Room
  • will be available for those unable to sit outside)
  • Shared picnic lunch, sausage sizzle, games and other activities.
  • Opportunity for fun and fellowship
  • There will be no other vigil/Sunday Masses that weekend.
  • Postponement date Sunday 10th March