News on the closure of St Bernard’s Church

From the Parish Newsletter 7 February 2021
After another useful consultation meeting last Sunday at St Bernard’s, it has been agreed that the date for the final Mass will be Sunday 18 April.
A committee has been formed to make all the arrangements necessary for the closure of the Church.
We move on to work with new partners to build up the life of our Parish and of the whole church of Jesus Christ.

As there is no Newsletter this week here is a brief update

  • There will be a continuation of the conversation about the closure of the Church at St Bernard’s in Brooklyn with Fr Doug after the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 31 January
  • The next Newsletter will be 31 January 2021
  • Please note that the Sunday 10.30 Mass at St Francis de Sales is temporarily cancelled due to renovations.
  • If you are unable to attend one of the other Masses in our Parish go to online Mass at
  • The Parish Office reopens on Tuesday the 26th of January after Wellington Anniversary weekend

An important announcement to all Parishioners

St Francis de Sales Church is temporarily closed due to construction.
The interior is being fitted 
with new heating and lighting and the exterior is being re roofed

The Church has become a Construction Zone. There will be machinery and other hazards inside the Church so in line with health and safety policies, no parishioners may have access during this time.

The downstairs Hall will be set up as a chapel and weekday Mass on Mondays and Fridays is still available.

Details are included in a letter from the Parish Leadership Team.


There will be NO MASSES from Monday 28 to Thursday 31 December

Weekday Mass Times during January

Monday 9 am St Francis de Sales
Tuesday  9 am St Joseph’s
Wednesday    No Mass
Thursday  10 am St Anne’s
Friday 9 am St Francis de Sales
Saturday 10 am St Anne’s

Parish Christmas Party 2020

Words of Thanks!

On Behalf of the Leadership Team, we would like to thank the whole whanau for supporting the Parish Christmas party. We enjoyed, we sang, and we shared the Christmas Spirit. What a joy to witness a community living the spirit of oneness in God. We would also like to thank the whole community for supporting the Fundraising for Typhoon victims in the Philippines. We were able to raise a total of $5,150. This money will be sent to the Parish of Bato to help the parishioners to stand again.
Thank you so much!






Saturday 12 December 7:30pm St Anne’s
Thursday 24 December 6:00pm Family Mass St Francis de Sales
7:30pm Family Mass St Anne’s
8:00pm Vigil Mass St Joseph’s
Friday 25 December 9:00am Mass St Joseph’s
9:00am Mass St Anne’s
10:30am Mass St Bernard’s
NOTE: There will be NO MASSES from Monday 28 to Thursday 31
Friday 1 January 9:00am Mass St Anne’s

Suzanne Aubert Scout Group

Covid 19 not withstanding, there have been some great opportunities for our Parish Scout Group this year. During Lockdown we continued to hold meetings via Zoom and our first Kea Group joined us during an on line Scout night. Since lockdown we have been tramping in the Tararuas to Cone Hut and our youth leaders have completed both the Sandford Leadership course and the Cossgrove outdoor skills course. This term we have a full programme, including a Group camp at the Home of Compassion. We now offer Scouting for youth aged 5 to 15 years old. Over the next twelve months we hope to be able to create a Venturer Section for 15 – 18 year olds. Meetings are Monday nights 6.30pm to 8pm at St Anne’s Hall. Come along and check us out, new members are always welcome. Or if you are interested in finding out more about our Parish Scout Group contact Rob McCullough on