Meeting with Anne Dickinson

Continuing the Investigation into the separation of St Josephs from the Catholic Parish of Wellington South. Anne Dickinson has been appointed by the Cardinal to carry out this investigation.
She will meet with the St Francis de Sales Church Community after 10.30am Mass this Sunday 11th October 2020.
All welcome

Normal weekend Masses will resume from 27 September 2020.
Weekday Masses as usual

From Cardinal John Dew:

On the The  Archdiocese website there is the following message from Cardinal John:
Now we are back in COVID-19 Alert Level 1 and can gather without restriction on numbers, we will be celebrating Sunday Masses together again. However some restrictions are still in place in parishes, including not shaking hands at the Sign of Peace.
Some parishes have begun using Sign Language at the Sign of Peace, which people have enjoyed and which acknowledges our deaf community. I encourage everyone to consider doing this, and this video from the Diocese of Auckland shows how to use sign language to offer the sign of peace.

Peace Be With You in  New Zealand Sign Language