Fr. Dennis Nacorda was the Presider
with Concelebrators Monsignor Gerard Burns, Fr. David Dowling and Fr. Jeff Drane.

The rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Wellington South Pastoral Area was alive in the Mass.  The different languages and traditions of communities within our new Parish came together to celebrate Mass  and reflect that:

“We are a community of joyful disciples growing together and sharing Christ’s message”

An integral part of the Mass was a Baptisim to welcome a new member of our Parish community.  Over 800 Parishioners from all four churches joined together in pledging their prayerful support for Tessa Grace.

The Mass concluded with the announcement of the Cardinal’s decision on the name of the new parish.  His decision included an acknowledgement of the need to adhere to Canon Law with regards to naming a parish after a person not yet beatified or canonised. Therefore:

The interim name would be ‘The Catholic Parish of Wellington South’, and then as soon as we hear news of Suzanne Aubert’s beatification, we could proceed to change the name of the parish to ‘The Parish of The Blessed Suzanne Aubert’.   + John A Cardinal Dew, Archbishop of Wellington

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