Naming of Fears

Reflecting on this week’s Scriptures

This weekend we name our fears and concerns about leaving our familiar faith communities and our journey into the “unknown”. On their journey to the promised land, the Israelites grumbled as they struggled on their journey to the promised land. Paul challenged the Ephesians “to be renewed” and to “put on a new self” and Jesus called his disciples to go beyond signs of concrete proof and seek the “bread of God” which gives life to the world. We are all invited to reflect on those scriptures, with all our fears and concerns, and to ask for the grace to seek the “bread of God” to bring life to our new parish.

Naming of Fears
Our process of discernment has prayer and reflection on the Word of God at its heart. Over the coming weeks, the four Church communities of the pastoral area will discern how we are to live the vision of the Parish of Wellington South. As today’s Gospel says, “What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”
Before we can go deeper, we need to name the fears, doubts, and hesitations that people may have about the new Parish. What are the negative aspects? What are you concerned or worried about?
We will collect what is offered and bring the fears of all our communities back to each Mass next week. We will pray, and reflect on the fears. This is a process of discernment, so we will not follow with discussion and debate. We will move into sharing our hopes before going deeper into how we will live our vision: “We are a community of joyful disciples, growing together and sharing Christ’s message”