
Reflecting on this week’s Scriptures

The first two readings express, in symbolic and intellectual ways the triumph of good over evil through the kingship of Christ and the celebration of Mary’s role in this.  In the big picture these readings give hope. However it is the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth that gives us the hope which emerges out of the reality of our daily lives. Mary comes in haste. Maybe because she senses Elizabeth may need her support, but probably because she needs Elizabeth’s support too. Mary would be trying to make sense of her “Yes” to carrying the son of God, and the impact that would have had on her parents, and husband to be. Elizabeth after many years of being barren is pregnant, living with her husband who cannot speak, was probably the subject of gossip and no doubt longing to share with someone who would understand the place and meaning of God in her pregnancy.

Both Mary and Elizabeth, in the context of their daily lives believed in the promise of God. On a deep level they recognised this in each other and from that encounter emerged the Magnificat –a revelation of God’s greatest hope – His Promise of Mercy, His raising of the lowly and His filling of the hungry with good things. May our hearts too be open, in the context of our ordinary lives, to revealing that hope in Wellington South. And may Suzanne Aubert be with us.

Discerning the Hopes
“May your choices reflect your hopes not your Fears.”  Nelson Mandela
This week we focus on our Hopes. What do we hope, with our contribution, that the new Parish of Wellington South will be? What will it be known for? What will it have at its heart and spirit? What is the word or phrase that expresses this for you? On this Feast of the Assumption, we reflect that Mary said Yes to being the Mother of Jesus. She was instrumental in God’s Plan being fulfilled, bringing Hope to all people.

Next week we will bring back all our Hopes, named at St Anne’s, St Bernard’s, St Francis de Sales, and St Joseph’s. We will move into reflecting on the first part of our Vision:
How will we be and what will we look like as a Community of the Catholic Parish of Wellington South?
We pray:
We come before you with hope for the new Catholic Parish of Wellington South.
Guide us as we seek to discern Your Will of how we will live out our Vision to be a
community of your joyful disciples growing together and spreading your message.