
Charting the Course Discernment – Farewell and Handing Over

This weekend we farewell our discernment teams and hand the discernment of the Church communities of St Anne’s, St Bernard’s, St Francis de Sales, and St Joseph’s to the Transition Team.
Your prayers, reflections, and ideas will shape the decisions and plans the Transition Team makes for our new Parish of Wellington South.
As with our discernment process, these decisions and plans will stem from and support Our Vision:

We are a community of joyful disciples, growing together and sharing Christ’s message.

This discernment process ends today but we are only beginning the journey to our new Parish. Although we may not all agree with all the decisions that must be made, we know and trust that the Transition Team will consider the discernment of our communities with open hearts. The Team will keep you updated. Please keep the Transition Team and the changes that must come in your prayers.

The Transition Team is made up of the Pastoral Leadership Team, School Principals, plus representatives from each parish: Fr David Dowling, Mons Gerard Burns, Fr Dennis Nacorda, Lesley Hooper, Shane Connolly, Tauloa Fa’atau, Malia Vito-Tupai, Derek Smith, Deirdre Hanlon, Paul Elenio, John Whiting, Kevin Lampen-Smith, Maria Noonan, Steve Douglas, Doreen O’Sullivan, Joan Woods.