Separation of St Joseph’s from Catholic Parish of Wellington South

Archbishop John Dew has reached agreement with the Society of Mary that the area of the former St Joseph’s Parish Mt Victoria will be removed from the Catholic Parish of Wellington South and incorporated into St Mary of the Angels (Wellington Central) Parish.
In accord with Canon 121 St Mary of the Angels Parish will acquire the properties which were patrimonial goods of the former St Joseph’s Parish, Mt Victoria.
The Catholic Parish of Wellington South Finance Committee will look into what portion of any cash should go to St Mary of the Angels Parish and what should be retained by the Catholic Parish of Wellington South. As the Parish Priest and the appointer of the members of the Finance Committee, I will make sure that the composition of the Finance Committee is balanced for this discussion, and that the process is fair. The options range from all of it being retained by Wellington South through to all of it going to St Mary of the Angels. It is not an option for the Catholic Parish of Wellington South to transfer to St Mary of the Angels more cash than was brought into the Parish by St Joseph’s at the time of amalgamation.
Once a decision has been reached about the cash patrimony, Archbishop John will issue a decree changing the boundaries of the two parishes to bring into effect the transfer of the area of the former St Joseph’s Parish to St Mary of the Angels Parish.

Fr Doug Shepherd

St Bernard’s Church Community


Thank you from the St Bernard’s Church Community

The St Bernard’s Church community thanks everyone who helped out at the Final Mass on Sunday 18 April, especially those from our other Parish Churches who supported the closing of our church through prayer and with practical support. Your kindness is appreciated.


The Closing Mass for St Bernard’s Church
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Re opening of St Francis de Sales Church for Palm Sunday

The work on the roof and bell tower has been completed and all the new lighting and heating has been installed. Fr Doug and members of the committee were given an overview of the new systems during the week and were very happy with the results.
A huge thank you to everyone involved with this project, all the workers and all those who donated their time and money. This Parish is truly blessed.


Cardinal John Dew has sent the following message to parishes in the Archdiocese of Wellington about the change for Alert Level 2 to Alert Level 1:
As the Prime Minister has announced we are returning to Alert Level 1 at 6am on Sunday morning Masses and other parish gatherings can resume on Sunday without restriction on numbersThere will be no Vigil Masses on Saturday evening (6 March).
The same requirements we were following in Alert Level 1 previously apply until further notice:

  • Communion on the hand only.
  • No distribution of the Precious Blood.
  • Non-contact Sign of Peace
  • No holy water in stoops.

Please encourage people to be careful when they gather, for their own safety and that of others.
With all good wishes and every blessing
Yours sincerely in the Lord
John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington


28 February 2021
Cardinal John Dew has told parishes in the Archdiocese of Wellington that with Alert Level 2 having come into force at 6am on Sunday 28 February for seven days, there will be no public Masses during this time.
There should also be no in-person parish gatherings or liturgical events. He encourages people to take time to reflect on the Sunday readings, and especially the Gospel which is the account of the Transfiguration. The readings can be found here.
Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent (28 Feb) which was livestreamed from Our Lady of Kapiti Parish can be accessed here.



The Government has just announced that we are going back to Alert Level 2 from 6am Sunday morning

  • There are to be no Masses or other liturgical events or parish gatherings in the Archdiocese for the next 7 days 

BUILDING UPDATE at St Francis de Sales

All the scaffolding will come down within the next 2 weeks, then the lower level painting work can be completed.
There has been a considerable amount of work fixing the timber windows.
The main and entrance roofs are complete.
The back roof to be completed by the end of February.
New Skylights should arrive by 11th March.
Painting due for completion by 26th March.
The Church has also had a new heating and fresh lighting system installed, and is expected to re-open in time for Holy Week.


Return to COVID-19 Alert Level 1

17 February 2021

Dear Fathers and Lay Pastoral Leaders

As we are returning to Alert Level 1 Masses and other parish gatherings can resume without restriction on numbers.
The same requirements we were following in Alert Level 1 previously apply until further notice:

  • Communion on the hand only.
  • No distribution of the Precious Blood.
  • Non-contact Sign of Peace
  • No holy water in stoops.

Please encourage people to be careful when they gather, for their own safety and that of others.With all good wishes and every blessing

Yours sincerely in the Lord
John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington

ALERT LEVEL 2 – Message from Cardinal Dew


From John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington


As the Alert Level change is, at this stage, only for three days, until further notice we will follow the same procedure as we did when we were last in Level 2:

  • There are to be no Masses or other liturgical events or parish gatherings in the Archdiocese. This includes weekday Masses. The Ministry Formation Day planned for Tuesday 16 February will not go ahead.
  • There are to be no Ash Wednesday Masses or liturgies in our churches. If your parish planned to participate in an ecumenical service in one of your parish’s churches, it is not to take place in that venue. If the other denominations participating wish to go ahead with an ecumenical service in their church, Catholics are free to make their own decision about joining them.
  • If the Alert Level changes back to Level 1 on Wednesday night, we will look at having the blessing and distribution of the ashes at Masses next Sunday.

The full text of Cardinal John’s letter can be read here.