ALERT LEVEL 2 – Message from Cardinal Dew


From John A Cardinal Dew
Archbishop of Wellington


As the Alert Level change is, at this stage, only for three days, until further notice we will follow the same procedure as we did when we were last in Level 2:

  • There are to be no Masses or other liturgical events or parish gatherings in the Archdiocese. This includes weekday Masses. The Ministry Formation Day planned for Tuesday 16 February will not go ahead.
  • There are to be no Ash Wednesday Masses or liturgies in our churches. If your parish planned to participate in an ecumenical service in one of your parish’s churches, it is not to take place in that venue. If the other denominations participating wish to go ahead with an ecumenical service in their church, Catholics are free to make their own decision about joining them.
  • If the Alert Level changes back to Level 1 on Wednesday night, we will look at having the blessing and distribution of the ashes at Masses next Sunday.

The full text of Cardinal John’s letter can be read here.