The New Parish Name – 8 March 2015

Now that we have decided on the Vision, we have completed building the hull of our boat. The next step is naming our boat.
Together our community is invited to discern a name for our new Parish.Points to remember when choosing a parish name

Points to remember when choosing a parish name

  • The name should be inspired by our Vision.
  • The name might be that of a canonized saint or could be;
  • The name of a Blessed (eg. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta) provided the Apostolic See has given permission
  • A geographic or other local name of significance e.g. the Catholic parish of……..
  • We need to avoid duplication of names
  • Cardinal John will have the final say.

Please note that the name for our new Parish will not change the names of the churches that will make up our new Parish.

How to contribute your name suggestions

  • All suggestions must be accompanied by a few word saying how your name fits the vision /why you are suggesting it.
  • Fill out the form provided and place in the Suggestion Boxes.
  • Email your Parish Office
  • Go to the Pastoral Area website –
  • Suggestions need to be sent in by April 12th

Time line for next steps

  • 13th April –Sub Group collates name suggestions
  • 19th April – 12.30-2.30pm at St Anne’s – Workshop
  • 20th April – Vision Sub Group takes workshop ideas and prepares recommended list for PATT decision
  • 27th April – preferred names sent to Cardinal John for approval
  • 24th May Pentecost Sunday – new name is promulgated at Pastoral Area Mass (time and Venue to be confirmed)

You can email your proposal for the new Wellington South Parish name
using the form on the page “tell us what you think“.
You need to include the reason why you are suggesting this name.