A new name for our new Parish: update



name workshop

Last Sunday, parishioners from across Wellington South gathered at St Anne’s to take part in a workshop to shortlist names which the transition team will give to Cardinal John.
Cardinal John will make a decision on our new name and we will celebrate this on Pentecost Sunday.
Over 100 name submissions were received and these were displayed at the workshop on the walls of St Anne’s, grouped in themes of Domain, Patronage, and Compassion/Suzanne Aubert.
We considered what is important in a name and how the proposed names fit with our vision. Many parishioners spoke in support of their preferred name.
At the end of the workshop there was broad agreement on three concepts: Suzanne Aubert, which may require an interim geographical parish name until she is beatified, the Southern Cross, and Divine Mercy. Posters from the workshop will rotate around each church over the new few weeks.
Thank you to all who contributed by submitting names or coming to the workshop. The Transition Team was impressed with the thoughtfulness of all involved.
Special thanks to Tim Gordon for so expertly guiding our workshop.

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