Changes to Sunday Mass Times

Break for Labour Weekend:
In a spirit of discernment, we continue to pray for our Parish and changes to our Mass times

Last week we invited you to respond to some open questions about our Mass times changes. If you have not responded already, you may wish to fill out a form this Sunday. Next week we will present back feedback so far and there will be a final opportunity to respond.
Our questions are open because our process is an open one. In our information leaflet, we have presented the simplest facts about the change required–rather than a lot of data. This is because the Parish Pastoral Council is seeking guidance on the principles to use when considering Mass times, rather than specific options, although all comments will be read and reflected on. Moreover, everyone is invited to reflect on what is best for our Parish as a whole, and how our Mass times can help us live our Vision. The Council knows that the identities of our communities are tied into our Mass times and that this process of change is a difficult one, coming early in the forming of our new Parish identity.
Please speak to your Discernment Leaders after Mass if you have any questions about the process or prefer to give your comments verbally.
You can also access discernment information through the website and Facebook page.
Responses can also be emailed to: