Changes to Sunday Mass Times

Week Three: We Continue to Pray

Thank you for all your responses to our Mass times discernment.
A copy of all the responses is on the church noticeboard and on the Wellington South website.

This week the Parish Council met to reflect further on the responses and to continue to prepare for the workshop on 12 November.  Please continue to keep our Parish, our Mass communities and the changes we must make in your prayers.

12 November – Workshop to consider options for changed Mass times
20 November – Break for First Holy Communion
22 November – Parish Council meets to form recommendations on new Mass times for Wellington South
26/27 November – Recommendations are presented to communities at Masses
after 27 November – Mass times recommendations are sent to Cardinal John for his final decision

Workshop on Mass times
2-5pm Saturday 12 November, Our Lady’s Home of Compassion
All parishioners are invited to attend a workshop to consider options for Mass times. Mass times will be considered from a Parish perspective, consistent with our Vision. The Council will also invite a selection of leaders from our communities to attend. Space is limited so if you would like to attend the workshop, please RSVP to
or phone the Parish Office on 934 4099 by Monday 7 November.