Changes to Sunday Mass Times

Week FIVE: Workshop on Mass times

By the time we hold our first Vigil Mass of the weekend, parishioners will have met, along with the Parish Council, at a workshop to contribute to our conversation about our Mass times. The workshop continues our process of discernment where we have prayed and reflected and invited the response of all members of our four Church communities.

Since mid-October we have been considering the changes we need to make to our Mass times. Cardinal John and the Council of Priests have asked us to review our Mass times so that Fr David and Fr Dennis, our two priests assigned to Wellington South, can preside at all of our Masses.

Next week there will be a break from our discernment as we celebrate First Holy Communion in the Parish.

Upcoming Discernment Dates
22 November – Parish Council meets to form recommendations on new Mass times for Wellington South.
26/27 November – Recommendations are presented to communities at Masses.
After 27 November – Mass times recommendations are sent to Cardinal John for his final decision.