Our Parish Community

October 14 – 15 has been a busy weekend.
Parishioners have been actively involved in:

  • The Soup Kitchen’s 14 Hours Homeless event
  • The Dawn Service at Our Lady’s Home of Compassion to begin the day of celebration for the rededication, Blessing of the Final Resting Place for Suzanne Aubert  and the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Compassion by the Venerable Suzanne Aubert.
  • David Haas liturgical music Workshops
  • 100 YEARS OF FATIMA – Celebrating our Lady’s birthday and the Fatima centenary
  • Our Samoan Community Families Celebrated White Sunday at St Anne’s.
  • A Liturgical Ministries formation afternoon for the Parish was held on Sunday Afternoon.  Fr Joe Grayland lead a reflection on the role of these ministries within the Mass and shared his insights and for some of us three new words to explore further: Leitourgia; Diakonia; Martyria
    Two of the ideas presented that stood out for me were:
    Trinity is the source of all service and is expressed in our worship.
    The Holy Spirit binds the Father and Son together, they are the integral Trinity.
  • The Sisters of St. Peter Claver Held their Annual fundraising Multi Cultural Mission Concert.
  • Portuguese Mass scheduled to be celebrated at Suzanne Aubert Chapel at St Joseph’s
  • Devine Mercy Devotions at St Francis de Sales and St Anne’s
  • Life Teen at St Anne’s on Sunday Evening

Whakawhetai ki te Atua!