Saturday 17 November,
1pm St Anne’s Hall, Newtown
Theme: Welcoming Communities

A recent story of welcome – A young man turned up at Sunday Mass in one of our Wellington South churches and sat towards the back. He’s not Catholic but wants to know more about what we believe and how we live as Catholics. He is open to becoming Catholic and joining a community. Some parishioners noticed him and invited him to stay for morning tea and introduced him to the priest.
Another recent story of welcome – Two gay men sought baptism for their child during Sunday Mass recently. The community welcomed them and enjoyed a shared morning tea after Mass.
Those are simple stories of welcome. Do you have a welcoming story to share? Come to St Anne’s Hall, Emmett St Newtown on Saturday 17 November at 1pm. Help us explore opportunities and ideas to enhance Wellington South Parish as a ‘welcoming community’. There’s a lot of ‘welcoming’ that already goes on in a wide range of forms and situations. How can we build on this?

For Personal Reflection

  • What talents and abilities has God given me?
  • Do I use them in service of others?
  • How can I become a more effective steward of the gifts I have received?