Wellington South Rotary Pride of Workmanship Awards.

Anna Kozyniak from the St Joseph’s community was presented with an award marking the many hours of committed, unstinting service in our church community as well as the St Catherine’s College community.

Anna is a most generous woman who turns her hand to anything that is required.  She:

  • trains leaders in various ministries at church, eg, Children’s Liturgy;
  • organises functions, eg, midwinter church gathering of the parish;
  • prepares the physical space before Mass and often comes very early to turn the heaters on;
  • caters for almost every event we have, eg, baptisms, special morning teas for people celebrating a milestone (all of this out of her own pocket;
  • is a key organiser of the Easter and Christmas Religious ceremonies and other celebrations, eg, Sacramental Programmes such as First Communion etc;
  • assists at parish working bees and brings morning tea for others;
  • weeds the parish gardens;
  • visits those who are ill or shut in

At St Catherine’s, she:

  • volunteers with sports teams;
  • weeds the garden;
  • bakes for school events, eg prizegiving, fairs etc;
  • has been a member of the College PTA.

There are probably other things Anna does which I am unaware of. She never shouts it out, just gets on with it.
One would never know how busy Anna is or that she is immersed in family life while she is doing all this. Always pleasant and calm, always thoughtful of others.

We are proud to be associated with her.

Stephanie Kitching rsm