Parish Consultation – update and next steps

Retaining two churches was the most strongly preferred option of those who participated in the Parish Consultation day on 3 August.
There was also strong support for:
–  developing multi use spaces that we can share with the wider community
–  ensuring future financial stability
–  working hard to ensure we develop one parish community
–  ensuring our ethnic and Samoan communities’ needs are met
–  supporting and growing family groups, prayer groups, youth activity and CCD
–  considering links between schools and churches
–  honouring and respecting the legacies of the past

The Parish Council has now begun the difficult task of weighing the options of which two churches would best suit the current and future needs of the parish, given the priorities voiced.

Sustaining the different strengths and cultures of our current Mass communities will be an important focus going forward. The Consultation Day highlighted the value and importance placed upon this across the whole parish and we will work to ensure this is strengthened and sustained whatever changes eventuate regarding the church buildings.

A summary of the relative strengths and weaknesses of each of the churches is in your parish foyer .

We want to ensure that the views and wisdom of all parishioners inform this decision. We will also be consulting with the principals of each primary school and the chairs of their Boards of Trustees.
So we invite parishioners to contribute any additional facts or information that they feel should be considered.
Please contribute in writing by Monday 30 Sept by email to
or by post to the
Parish Office, PO Box 7173 Newtown, Wellington 6242.