Message from Parish Leadership Team

Dear Parishioners
Following Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s address to the nation this afternoon, we encourage all parishioners over 70 and those who in any way feel vulnerable to please stay at home. Although our Bishops have encouraged us to keep churches open, please note that this is only for personal prayer and reflection. It is not in any way a suggestion to gather as a faith community. Physical distancing recommendations and strict hygiene practices are to be observed. If you are feeling sick, please stay at home, seek medical assistance, and tap into your family and social support networks. Please let us know how we can support you. We will get through this by staying calm, following the rules and showing compassion. Our Bishops remind us of the words of tomorrow’s Psalm: “Even though we walk in the dark valley, we fear no evil for you O God are with us giving us courage.”  (Ps 23)
God bless you
Parish Leadership Team