Palm Sunday Miha Maori with Msgr Gerry Burns

Danny Karatea-Goddard, Tūranga Māori and Vicar Māori  for the Archdiocese of Wellington, shared the following post on FaceBook:
E te whānau whakapono ngā mihi o te Wiki Tapu ki a koutou, ki a tātou. Kei te whai wāhi ai tātou i te matenga rawa me te Aranga ake o Hēhu Karaiti. I have put this bilingual Miha on YouTube for this, te Rātapu o te Manga, te Rātapu o te Mamaetanga o Hēhu (Palm Sunday, the Sunday of the suffering and death of Jesus).  Not the ideal way to be together with you but perhaps a way to reflect on the start of this Holy Week.
Here is the link: 
My suggestion would be that anyone and any whanau watching pause the watching at any times when there are the congregation’s chants (He tapu, E te Reme, etc) and do their own and perhaps add a himene or two.
Any feedback welcome, aroha mai for any pronunciation or production failings.
Mā te wā
Pā Gerard Burns