There will be no Sunday Masses this weekend, 23 August.

Weekday Mass resumes from Thursday 20 August with the guidelines set out by the Cardinal in place.

– Keep the social distancing of two meters in each direction
– The ability to track and trace must be available
– Hand sanitiser must be available
– Communion is to be the Body of Christ to be received on the hand only
– No sign of peace and No holy water.

Our churches now have individual QR codes from the Ministry of Health to help with this. It is recommended that all those with smartphones download the Covid19 app for this purpose

People who are unwell should not come to Mass

A reminder to continue to follow good hygiene practices
Anyone who is showing new onset or worsening symptoms of one or more of the following should ring Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or their GP.:
* Cough
* Fever
* Sore throat
* Runny nose
* Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
* Temporary loss of smell