Upcoming changes in the Parish of Wellington South

From the Parish Newsletter, 16 May 2021.

Archbishop John Dew has reached agreement with the Society of Mary that the area of the former St Joseph’s Parish in Mt Victoria will be removed from the Catholic Parish of Wellington South and incorporated into St Mary of the Angels (Wellington Central) Parish.
After the financial details have been agreed, Archbishop John will issue a decree changing the boundaries of the two parishes to bring this into effect .
The formal decree to close St Bernard’s has been requested. Archbishop John will present this to the Council of Priests at their next meeting before he issues the decree.
These are major changes for our Parishioners to absorb and I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding in this trying time. While many of us are adjusting to moving to a new church community, I would like to ask everyone to continue to be kind to each other.
With every blessing Fr Doug