Zoom Liturgy Invite for Sunday 29 August

The CPWS Liturgy Committee has organised an online Liturgy of the Word to be held on Sunday 29 August via Zoom. We decided to begin the meeting at 9.45am to give people time to gather and say hello to each other before the liturgy starts at 10am.
Below you will find the link that you need to click on (on Sunday morning) in order to join the Liturgy.

Topic: Liturgy of the Word Zoom Service Time: Aug 29, 2021 09:45 AM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7941311701?pwd=RzNmYnd0UGx2MWY3cnVGYklOeHBrUT09
Meeting ID: 794 131 1701
Passcode: 6hCkSq

Handy Hints on how to join in.