Message from Cardinal John

The full letter from Cardinal John is available at this link.
We do not know how long we will be in Level 2 or whether the increased restrictions in this level might be relaxed a little at a later date while still keeping us in Level 2. Therefore these instructions apply in parishes until Tuesday 21 September, at which point I will communicate with you again:
 There are to be NO public Masses or other liturgical events or in-person parish gatherings in the Archdiocese.
 Churches are to be closed except for funerals, as it is difficult to monitor contact tracing, social distancing, mask wearing, and numbers.
 Funerals can take place with a maximum of 50 people in total, with the required social distancing, contact tracing, and wearing of masks. Funerals can take place in a church, and meetings with the family can take place with observance of the Level 2 requirements. The funeral director’s instructions must be followed”