Voyaging on to the new Catholic Parish of Wellington South


Two weeks on from farewelling our discernment teams, the wisdom held in your prayers, reflections and ideas is being carried with us to our new Parish of Wellington South.

A small team involved in guiding our Charting the Course discernment met last Sunday and considered:
• What important advice does our discernment give for future leaders of our new Parish?
• What might that future leadership look like?
• And what are the next steps to take us forward? What’s next?
• Material from the discernment will be organised so it is available into the future.
• The discernment teams will gather and share experiences from the nine weeks with the Transition Team.
• The Transition Team, reflecting on our discernment, will prepare an implementation plan for Cardinal John by the Feast of Christ the King, and will work toward the establishment of new Parish leadership teams by the end of the year.
• There will be more opportunities for our Church communities to come together and get to know each other, and planning will begin for our inaugural Parish Mass on Sunday 6 March 2016.

Please continue to pray for our new Parish of Wellington South. And now is the time to begin to reflect on the contribution you can make in our new Parish.