Suzanne Aubert takes another step towards sainthood

Voyaging on to the new Catholic Parish of Wellington South
Our new Parish will be named the Catholic Parish of Wellington South, however, we are praying for the Cause of Suzanne Aubert and that we will become the Parish of the Blessed Suzanne Aubert.
Here is an update on Suzanne Aubert’s path to sainthood:
Suzanne Aubert takes another step towards sainthood
The Theologians examining Suzanne Aubert’s cause have accepted the writings, spirituality and goodness of Suzanne Aubert.  In 1997 the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference agreed to support the first part of the formal process, called the “Introduction of the Cause of Suzanne Aubert”.  Then a historical consultation (Posito) was completed and presented for theological consultation by a panel of theologians. The panel of theologians in the Congregation of Saints have examined the Posito and judged that the case has merit.  They will now send their recommendation to the Bishops and Cardinals who work in the Congregation of Saints. If they approve the recommendation a Decree of Heroic Virtues is sent to Pope Francis for his final judgment. A decree on the heroic nature of Suzanne Aubert’s virtues will be issued and she will be given the title of Venerable.  These steps could be completed by early next year.

The next step in the process is the approval of a posthumous miracle, which would lead to Suzanne Aubert’s Beatification.  A person who is beatified is given the title “Blessed”.  After beatification the Church looks for a second posthumous miracle before proceeding to canonisation.
The consent of the Holy Father to the decision of the Congregation results in a Decree of a Miracle.
Canonisation would then be possible.

[With grateful thanks to CathNews NZ & Pacific –]
Find out more at or from our Wellington South Suzanne Aubert Coordinators: Nina Cuccurullo, Francis & Jenny Fanning and Steve Ready.

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