Message from Cardinal John

The full letter from Cardinal John is available at this link.
We do not know how long we will be in Level 2 or whether the increased restrictions in this level might be relaxed a little at a later date while still keeping us in Level 2. Therefore these instructions apply in parishes until Tuesday 21 September, at which point I will communicate with you again:
 There are to be NO public Masses or other liturgical events or in-person parish gatherings in the Archdiocese.
 Churches are to be closed except for funerals, as it is difficult to monitor contact tracing, social distancing, mask wearing, and numbers.
 Funerals can take place with a maximum of 50 people in total, with the required social distancing, contact tracing, and wearing of masks. Funerals can take place in a church, and meetings with the family can take place with observance of the Level 2 requirements. The funeral director’s instructions must be followed”


Hi everyone
Refugee families from Afghanistan will soon be leaving MIQ and some will be settling in Wellington.
Please contact Catholic Social Services to help with-
1. Rental housing
2. Household and/or pantry items
3.  Basic furniture eg. beds, drawers, dining table
4. Direct donation. Our CSS bank account number is
BNZ 02-0560-0213864-00.  Please include in the reference fields your name and Afghan so we can link it to this cause.
Contact Paul Alsford at Catholic Social Services on 021 754145 or

Wellington South and St Mary of the Angels Social Justice Group– initiative to help with the setting up of houses for Afghan families. Pantry items you may wish to donate:
Canned fruit, Rice, Chickpeas, kidney beans, canned tomatoes, flour, couscous, sugar, salt, pepper, Olive oil, Eggs, tea, coffee, milk powder, turmeric, chilli, cinnamon, nutmeg.
(NOT baked beans or noodles or tinned meat.)
The former St Bernard’s Church has been offered to store the donated items.
Contact  or


Parish Liturgy of the Word, Sunday 12th September

Parish Liturgy of the Word, Sunday 12th September 2021 (via Zoom)

Topic: Liturgy of the Word (Zoom Service)

Time: Sep 12, 2021 09:45 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 4710 0064
Passcode: 018113


Zoom Liturgy Invite for Sunday 29 August

The CPWS Liturgy Committee has organised an online Liturgy of the Word to be held on Sunday 29 August via Zoom. We decided to begin the meeting at 9.45am to give people time to gather and say hello to each other before the liturgy starts at 10am.
Below you will find the link that you need to click on (on Sunday morning) in order to join the Liturgy.

Topic: Liturgy of the Word Zoom Service Time: Aug 29, 2021 09:45 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 794 131 1701
Passcode: 6hCkSq

Handy Hints on how to join in.

Parish Liturgy of the Word – Follow up

Last Sunday morning a number of our parish community came together via Zoom to share liturgy.  It was wonderful to join with others to be part of the Liturgy of the Word. Different people took different roles. We had people singing the opening hymn, singing the psalm, doing the readings and Elizabeth reading the Gospel and doing a short reflection on it.
Thanks to everyone who made it possible.
We are keen to continue doing this while we are unable to come together at church, so if you want to volunteer as a proclaimer, singer or help to organise, please email Elizabeth Julian from the St Anne’s liturgy group on
We will send information out later in the week in the Parish Newsletter for next Sunday’s Liturgy so that everyone who wants to be part of it can join in.
Liturgy Committee