From The National Liturgy Office website:

Learn the Catholic anthem Mō Maria. 

Two brief videos have been prepared to help everyone across the country learn to sing the himene Mō Maria. Over the years the versions, pronunciations and melodies of the hymn have varied from Pompallier’s original. As many people throughout the country are not familiar with the hymn, the rededication on 15th August feast of the Assumption, gives us an opportunity to promote Mō Maria as a national Catholic anthem.
These videos return to the source, the Hokianga, to learn the original text and melody from the locals.

Feast of The Assumption

On Sunday 15 August, the Italian community of Island Bay celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.
The feast day is also celebrated each year in the small village of Massa Lubrense where many of our family and descendants come from.
Once again the altar at St Francis de Sales Church has been lovingly prepared with flowers donated by the Italian community.

Update on the Cause for Beatification

We continue to trust God that the Vatican will soon recognise the alleged healing miracle granted a Christchurch woman through the  intercession of Venerable Suzanne Aubert/Meri Hōhepa.
Recently the Pontifical Commission for the Causes of Saints in Rome was again in touch seeking clarification of some medical points in the final submission that was made in support of her Cause. We were fortunate that with the assistance of a prominent Professor of Neurology inAuckland we were able to provide the requested information which is now with senior medical advisors to the Vatican.
We are all continuing to pray that these final questions have now be satisfactorily answered and that very soon the alleged healing miracle will be accepted.
Please continue to pray for the beatification of Suzanne Aubert/Meri Hōhepa.

Special Mass at St Joseph’s

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Thank you to everyone who attended the special Mass at St  Josephs last Sunday.
From parishioner Francis Fanning “In formalising this separation we need to acknowledge the aroha – the love – and the friendship that we have been blessed with from our partnership with the church communities of St Anne’s, St Francis De Sales and indeed St Bernard’s.
As we move forward into our new role we must acknowledge the work and the aroha that we have benefited from our partner churches of Wellington South, and also the caring ministry that we have been the beneficiaries of.” 

From the Parish Newsletter 8 August 2021

Parish Council

The renewed parish council for the Catholic Parish of Wellington South will meet for the first time on 27 July 2021.
Together with the Pastoral Leadership Team the parish council includes: Melania Lui, Anne Natoli, Luigi Cacace, Napoleon Rudolfo, Janine Ford, Christine Ammunson and Francis Fanning (remaining in the interim). This makes 10 people, a sizeable group.
We appreciate that having been nominated with the support of members of our community these people have responded so positively. Our members are representative of the parish across many criteria, and bring a range of personal and professional competencies that expand and enrich the knowledge and wisdom base of our Parish Council.

From the Parish Newsletter of 11 July 2021.


As we are now in Alert Level Two: There will be no Vigil or Sunday Masses this weekend, and no other liturgical or parish gatherings.
Funerals are restricted to 100 people, and social distancing and contact tracing are essential. Please follow the directions of the Funeral Director.
For the next three days, due to the number of places the infected person visited and the likelihood of multiple contacts there will be no weekday Mass either.
Once again, the change in Alert Levels means that good parish communication is more important than ever. Please make contact with as many parishioners as possible through emails, parish apps, emailed newsletters etc to ensure that parishioners can be reached quickly.

With thanks and with all good wishes and blessings
John A Cardinal Dew

Full Memorandum available here

New Decrees

The Cardinal has now issued a Decree to change the territorial boundary of the former St Josephs Parish in Mount Victoria to be incorporated into St Mary of the Angels Parish in Wellington Central. The transfer date as negotiated by the respective Parish priests will be the 1st of August 2021.

He has also issued a Decree to deconsecrate St Bernard’s Church.

The full Decrees are available at the links below and on Church noticeboards.




With changes to our Parish boundaries imminent and the recent news that two of our members are stepping down, we are seeking nominations for the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC).
If you are willing to share your gifts with the parish community and can contribute approximately 4 hours per month to attending and following up on monthly PPC meetings, we would love to hear from you.
If you want to find out what’s involved in being a PPC member, contact Fr Doug at
or Joe Green on

Upcoming changes in the Parish of Wellington South

From the Parish Newsletter, 16 May 2021.

Archbishop John Dew has reached agreement with the Society of Mary that the area of the former St Joseph’s Parish in Mt Victoria will be removed from the Catholic Parish of Wellington South and incorporated into St Mary of the Angels (Wellington Central) Parish.
After the financial details have been agreed, Archbishop John will issue a decree changing the boundaries of the two parishes to bring this into effect .
The formal decree to close St Bernard’s has been requested. Archbishop John will present this to the Council of Priests at their next meeting before he issues the decree.
These are major changes for our Parishioners to absorb and I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding in this trying time. While many of us are adjusting to moving to a new church community, I would like to ask everyone to continue to be kind to each other.
With every blessing Fr Doug