There will be no Sunday Masses this weekend, 23 August.

Weekday Mass resumes from Thursday 20 August with the guidelines set out by the Cardinal in place.

– Keep the social distancing of two meters in each direction
– The ability to track and trace must be available
– Hand sanitiser must be available
– Communion is to be the Body of Christ to be received on the hand only
– No sign of peace and No holy water.

Our churches now have individual QR codes from the Ministry of Health to help with this. It is recommended that all those with smartphones download the Covid19 app for this purpose

People who are unwell should not come to Mass

A reminder to continue to follow good hygiene practices
Anyone who is showing new onset or worsening symptoms of one or more of the following should ring Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or their GP.:
* Cough
* Fever
* Sore throat
* Runny nose
* Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
* Temporary loss of smell


From the Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington website 12 August 2020.

On Wednesday 12 August Cardinal John Dew sent a letter to parishes, schools, religious congregations about restrictions on public Masses during the three days of Alert Level 3 in Auckland and Alert Level 2 in the rest of New Zealand.
Key Points:
–    Public Masses (weekday, Sunday and for the feast of the Assumption) in the Archdiocese of Wellington are suspended until Tuesday 18 August when further information will be communicated depending upon the decisions the government has taken about Alert Levels.
–   Churches remain open for private prayer but information must be provided for contact tracing and social distancing observed.

The letter from Cardinal Dew is available here

Parish Office Hours

Please note that our parish office will only be open for short periods on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next couple of weeks. We are currently going through the process of interviewing and hiring a new Office Support Staff member to replace Lucienne,

Please call before visiting us to make sure someone is here. Phone messages and emails will be attended to as soon as possible,  We thank you for understanding.

Farewell Morning Tea for Lucienne

Following the 9am Mass at St Anne’s on Sunday 26th July there will be a farewell morning tea for Lucienne in the St Anne’s Hall. This invite is extended to the whole parish.
Parishioners are asked to bring a plate to share for morning tea.


The new cases of covid are a timely reminder to continue to follow good hygiene practices and to act with caution for anyone who is showing new onset or worsening symptoms of one or more of the following:
* Cough
* Fever
* Sore throat
* Runny nose
* Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
* Temporary loss of smell
Anyone with these symptoms should ring Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or their GP.
They will advise on testing for COVID19.
People who are unwell should not come to Mass, availing themselves of the exemption from the Sunday obligation provided in the catechism of the Catholic ChurchChurch. This is a consideration to fellow parishioners, some of whom may be vulnerable.

Last week, Cardinal John wrote a letter to parishes with guidelines for Level 1.
These guidelines are:
– Holy Communion is to be received on the hand and not from the chalice;
– The Sign of Peace can be by spoken word or a gesture;
– Holy Water Fonts are to remain without Holy Water
These guidelines will be re-evaluated as further health advice is given.

A REMINDER: Keep a diary of your movements. Our churches now have individual QR codes from the Ministry of Health to help with this. It is recommended that all those with smartphones download the Covid19 app for this purpose