Summary of feedback on Parish Plan

Catholic Parish of Wellington South

Response to parish plan survey 2018

Parishioners were surveyed as part of the parish planning process. 73 parishioners responded to the survey monkey, 4 sent in e mails, 1 put in a handwritten submission. 90% thought the plan was either ‘somewhat realistic’ or ‘very realistic’. In summary – there was overwhelming support for the plan to progress.

The responses and comments were grouped into ‘themes’. This note summarises those themes (and includes those who thought the plan was not realistic). These in turn have been included within the redraft of the plan which is now with the Parish Council.

Major themes

The major themes to emerge can be grouped under the heading ‘connecting school and parish’, ‘cultural and ethnic diversity’, ‘biculturalism/Maori’ and ‘Catholic Social Teaching’.

Secondary themes

The next major themes were ‘Mass times’, ‘property’ and ‘collaborative ministry – lay/ordained’.

Other themes

The following broadly outlines the other themes to emerge:

‘Who is responsible for what?’; St Bernard’s rosters – too few people’; ‘developing prayer and contemplative life’; ‘aging parishioner demographic – energy to do anything?’; ‘building community – might be building a stronger community or belonging to a community’; ‘move the plan beyond one year’; ‘change “peripheries” to responding to need’; ‘change faith formation to faith and spiritual formation’; ‘youth, young people and families’.


The effort parishioners went to make a response is very much appreciated by the Parish Council and the Parish Finance Committee. Please be assured that ‘nothing has been lost’.