The recommendations from the recent Archdiocesan Synod and the consequent Parish Stewardship Day have helped us set priorities in our pastoral ministry.
Our energy is drawn into formulating plans and actions in the parish enlightened by these recommendations.

While it is good to give our whole attention to this, we also need to be reminded as to who we are. The Stewardship Day recommendation has highlighted the difference between a do-gooder and a disciple eloquently.
“A do-gooder is driven; a disciple is drawn”. We need to have the spiritual eyes to see our role in building the kingdom of God in this world.

That is why we enlist the ICPE Mission to accompany us in our spiritual renewal this year. During the third week of June, there will be a “Parish Mission Week” with the theme: “AWAKEN”. The ICPE mission team will organise three evening sessions drawing on our Christian identity and our role in the mission of Christ in the world. With the same focus, the ICPE missionaries will also visit our three Parish Schools and selected rest homes within our parish.

During this week the ICPE Mission will also help us to reach out to those in our parish who are on the ‘peripheries”, that they too may have a spiritual renewal in Christ. This will also give us an opportunity to understand who are the disadvantaged in our communities, where they are, how and why they find themselves there. This will eventually help us create an “infrastructure of pastoral care” for them.

How can you take part?

  • Come and attend the three evening seminars lead by the ICPE team on 20, 21, 22 June. These will be held at St Anne’s Hall, Newtown.
  • Please let the Parish Office know of anyone in your community who might appreciate a house visit.
  • Help us to accompany the ICPE team on the house visitations and/or help with transport.
  • Help provide lunch and dinner for the ICPE team during the Parish Mission week.
  • If you can help, please contact the Parish office.
  • Watch this space for more information