Weekend blessings from The Office Support Team

As we head into another weekend, Sr Elizabeth has prepared another set of prayers for our parish for the 6th Sunday of Easter.  Please find them here.  I’m also attaching a Liturgy of the Word here, for those who wish to use this for their Sunday worship.  Mass from Cardinal John’s chapel will be on at 9am as usual, and Shine TV continues with its 2pm broadcast on Sunday afternoons.

Children’s resources for liturgy
There are some great children’s resources for liturgy, such as a live children’s liturgy on Sunday mornings at 9:30am from St Francis of Assisi parish, Mairehau.  Visit their Facebook page here.  A family friendly Liturgy of the Word from Auckland Diocese is available here.  Animated Catholic Kids Homilies for the 6th Sunday of Easter on YouTube is available here. We need your help!

In Alert Level 2 we will print and deliver newsletters to parishioners who we know have no online access.  These are typically our elderly or sick parishioners, and we would like to ensure that they feel as connected and supported as possible as this challenging season continues. If you are available to help deliver newsletters in your neighborhood, please let us know.  Thank you! 

Our Parish Offices remain closed for the time being, together with our churches and halls.  A reminder that the Parish Leadership is available for a chat any time.  Their contact details are on the front page of the newsletter.  

God bless you
Lucienne Hensel
Office Support Team
Catholic Parish of Wellington South