There will be NO MASSES in our Parish this weekend.
Although from 12pm on Friday 29 May new increased limits on gatherings apply, full information from the Ministry of Health about measures needed will not be available until later this week. In the meantime, a Parish plan is being formulated in consultation with the Parish Pastoral Council and Liturgy teams for a suitable Mass schedule across our four churches.
We expect that Masses in our Parish will resume in the first week of June.
For our churches to re-open, we need to have systems in place to ensure that everyone has equitable access to the celebration of the Eucharist.  We also have a responsibility to make sure that our church buildings are safe and clean places where we can gather to worship without fears for our health and well-being.  We are also required to meet the legal requirements for contact tracing.
As we work towards this new way of operating, we appreciate your patience and your prayers.
We will continue to update you with any new information as it becomes available.